» Helen of Troy - Wild flight on flight against the fading dawn The flames' red wings soar upward duskily. This is the .....read more |
» Beatrice - Send out the singers--let the room be still; They have not eased my pain nor brought me sleep. Close .....read more |
» Sappho - The twilight's inner flame grows blue and deep, And in my Lesbos, over leagues of sea, The temples g .....read more |
» Marianna Alcoforando - The sparrows wake beneath the convent eaves; I think I have not slept the whole night through. But I .....read more |
» Guenevere - I was a queen, and I have lost my crown; A wife, and I have broken all my vows; A lover, and I ruine .....read more |
» Erinna - They sent you in to say farewell to me, No, do not shake your head; I see your eyes That shine with .....read more |
» Young Love - I I cannot heed the words they say, The lights grow far away and dim, Amid the laughing men and mai .....read more |
» From The Woolworth Tower - Vivid with love, eager for greater beauty Out of the night we come Into the corridor, brilliant and .....read more |
» Over The Roofs - I Oh chimes set high on the sunny tower Ring on, ring on unendingly, Make all the hours a single hou .....read more |
» The Princess in the Tower - I The Princess sings: I am the princess up in the tower And I dream the whole day thro' Of a knight .....read more |