» Coney Island - Why did you bring me here? The sand is white with snow, Over the wooden domes The winter sea-winds b .....read more |
» Grandfather's Love - They said he sent his love to me, They wouldn't put it in my hand, And when I asked them where it wa .....read more |
» Gifts - I gave my first love laughter, I gave my second tears, I gave my third love silence Through all the .....read more |
» Love Me - Brown-thrush singing all day long In the leaves above me, Take my love this April song, "Love me, lo .....read more |
» After Parting - Oh, I have sown my love so wide That he will find it everywhere; It will awake him in the night, It .....read more |
» May Wind - I said, "I have shut my heart As one shuts an open door, That Love may starve therein And trouble me .....read more |
» New Love and Old - In my heart the old love Struggled with the new; It was ghostly waking All night through. Dear thing .....read more |
» Swans - Night is over the park, and a few brave stars Look on the lights that link it with chains of gold, T .....read more |
» The Flight - Look back with longing eyes and know that I will follow, Lift me up in your love as a light wind lif .....read more |
» Ebb Tide - When the long day goes by And I do not see your face, The old wild, restless sorrow Steals from its .....read more |
» The Tree of Song - I sang my songs for the rest, For you I am still; The tree of my song is bare On its shining hill. F .....read more |
» Enough - It is enough for me by day To walk the same bright earth with him; Enough that over us by night The .....read more |
» Come - Come, when the pale moon like a petal Floats in the pearly dusk of spring, Come with arms outstretch .....read more |
» Now at Last - I am wild, I will sing to the trees, I will sing to the stars in the sky, I love, I am loved, he is .....read more |
» Peace - Peace flows into me As the tide to the pool by the shore; It is mine forevermore, It will not ebb li .....read more |
» Embers - I said, "My youth is gone Like a fire beaten out by the rain, That will never sway and sing Or play .....read more |
» The Lamp - If I can bear your love like a lamp before me, When I go down the long steep Road of Darkness, I sha .....read more |
» What Do I Care - What do I care, in the dreams and the languor of spring, That my songs do not show me at all? For th .....read more |
» Gray Eyes - It was April when you came The first time to me, And my first look in your eyes Was like my first lo .....read more |
» The Net - I made you many and many a song, Yet never one told all you are-- It was as though a net of words We .....read more |
» It Will Not Change - It will not change now After so many years; Life has not broken it With parting or tears; Death will .....read more |
» The Treasure - When they see my songs They will sigh and say, "Poor soul, wistful soul, Lonely night and day." They .....read more |
» At Night - We are apart; the city grows quiet between us, She hushes herself, for midnight makes heavy her eyes .....read more |
» In Kensington Gardens - Under the almond tree, Room for my love and me! Over our heads the April blossom; April-hearted are .....read more |
» Rewards - Because you cried, I kissed you, and, Ah me! how should I understand That piteous little you were fa .....read more |
» Alla Passeretta Bruna - If I bid you, you will come, If I bid you, you will go, You are mine, and so I take you To my hear .....read more |